Greetings once more, friends of Internet. Thought to try something new for blog entry tonight. As cinephile, llama spend much time viewing important films. In fact, this almost certainly primary hobby, as am not sure that chewing bark from Box Elder trees or having rocks thrown at head by local children qualify. Llama form many opinions in regard to films, but with no outlet for expression excepting Sundance Cat. In honest, Sundance Cat demonstrate very little concern for llama opinions of important films. Therefore, llama will share feelings on blog for larger world. Farmer once more sleeping in tender embrace of drink, and llama has entered farmhouse for adventures.
Tonight, llama view Sound of Music. What thrill! What splendor! Opening shots of lush grasses on mountainside had salivation building. Maria also remind very much of farmer beautiful wife prior to leaving stupid as dirt farmer. Wish had taken llama with. Llama would have made jovial travel companion. Maria of film begin as nun, but soon discover that free spirit require more of life. Maria leave, like farmer wife.
Maria next begin tending children. This where llama big problem with film arise. Horrible, deceitful children remind llama of aforementioned locals with proclivity for rock-throwing and llama hurting. Children of film later show moral improvement, but llama hold no hope of redemption for local youth. Spit spit spit at screen when children show ugly faces. Also there are Nazis.
Beautiful Maria soon fall for cold, distant Captain in classic romance. Again, llama swept away. Impossible not to transport self in imagination to dancing with gentle Maria, hair like fine golden hay. Llama weep when fuzzy lights demonstrate love for Maria and Captain. Llama will never know such love. Much pain felt in heart when conflicted Maria flee once more.
Next was intermission. Thought perfect opportunity to refresh self, and headed to icebox. This when tragedy strike llama much like Von Trapp family. Stupid farmer forget to return cap to jug, and milk spill all over kitchen floor. If farmer discover, end of llama nighttime Internet adventures and film education! For added excite, llama blame Nazis and children for troubles. Most rest of film spent cleaning floor, so climax missed almost entirely. Sundance Cat assisted with cleanup of milk, but nearly all real work performed by llama.
In spite of distraction, llama did make additional notes. Goat herding song high point of film. Also very happy ending, as family voyage to mountainside once more in search of lush grasses. As such, film come full circle, and llama understand classic status. Highly recommend majestic film. Sundance Cat somewhat indifferent, as usual.
Well, must sign off for evening. Farmer will return to downstairs eventually, and llama must be outside in pen. Will return at earliest convenience to tell more to new friends. Take good care. Remember to climb every mountain, unless finding self confined to pen by stupid human.
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